Dessert Pizza

Dessert pizza is a great way to use any fruit you have laying around. We use apples in this version but feel free to substitute if you’re in the mood for something else! This recipe also differs from your traditional dessert pizza by using focaccia bread instead of your normal pizza dough or puff pastry dessert pizza. The extra sturdy base makes for an AMAZING result. Be sure to try it!

Level: Easy

Total: 27 min

Prep: 2 min

Inactive: 5 min

Cook: 20 min

Yield: 8 servings


  • 1 (1 pound) loaf plain ciabatta or focaccia
  • 1 stick (8 tablespoons) unsalted butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 8 cloves
  • 3/4 cup packed light brown sugar
  • 1 1/2 pounds Gala, Braeburn, or Pink Lady apples, peeled, cored, and cut into sixths
  • Ice cream or whipped cream, for serving


  1. Heat oven to 450 degrees F and arrange rack in the middle. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil, place bread on top, and set aside.
  2. Melt butter in a large nonstick frying pan over medium heat. When foaming subsides, remove from heat, add vanilla, salt, and cloves and sprinkle sugar evenly into pan.
  3. Place apples in a single layer and return to stove. Cook over medium heat, turning apples once, until apples are knife tender, about 10 minutes. Arrange apples on bread and pour all but 1/4 cup caramel sauce on top. Bake in oven until caramel sauce bubbles and bread is heated through, about 5 to 7 minutes. Remove from oven, pour remaining caramel on apples and let pizza sit for 5 minutes before cutting. Serve with ice cream or whipped cream.

29 thoughts on “Dessert Pizza”

  1. Hi there, Wanted to make your delicious looking pumpkin bread but saw that baking powder was listed twice in the ingredients ! Could you please tell me if one of them was supposed to be baking soda ?? Thank you so much ! Will be awaiting your reply before I try this recipe .

  2. The proper grammar is “lying” around, not “laying” around. (reference to fruit in the first paragraph above).

  3. The proper grammar is “lying” around, not “laying” around (reference to fruit in the first paragraph above.)

  4. “Laying, “lying” ….
    we got the message. This is a recipe…not a grammar lesson. Lighten up and enjoy the pizza!

  5. Aliya Cheskis-Cotel

    I’m with Carole the Grammarian – I’m always happy to be corrected and try to have perfect grammar. Anonymous, why don’t YOU lighten up? We can all enjoy good food with perfect grammar . . .

  6. I agree. We’re here to get new recipes and get inspired. There’s a way to correct without making someone feel inadequate.

  7. Forget the grammar errors, although they should proof read, how about showing a picture that remotely represents the recipe. There is no way the picture is some form of a bread loaf. The only loafing around here are the creators of this web page. The pictures and ingredient lists never match.

  8. Same on you? How about Shame on you? Adults who can’t spell or don’t care says a lot

  9. Shame on you gals…criticizing….this is a recipe not an English class. And BTW…OBJECTS “LAY” and PEOPLE “LIE”…..learned that in 8th grade English class…so she is CORRECT…IN “laying”. Get a life. And be grateful for her recipe

  10. I’m not really good at grammar so I always appreciate correction I guess it’s the way you choose to take it. I don’t think it was meant in a bad way.

  11. Brenda Baker Davies

    Who cares if the apples are lying around or laying around? That’s ridiculous to even post that.

  12. You were close with your 8th grade English lesson. It’s not people vs. object. It’s that lay requires a direct object. Lie is an irregular verb that doesn’t require object but it means to put yourself in a flat position. So, yes, ‘laying’ is correct.

  13. You were close with your 8th grade English lesson. It’s not people vs. object. It’s that lay requires a direct object. Lie is an irregular verb that doesn’t require object but it means to put yourself in a flat position. So, yes, ‘laying’ is correct.

  14. Aside from the grammar lesson, this recipe in no way resembles the photo, which is what attracted me to it in the first place. Bread base for dessert pizza?? Doesn’t sound remotely good to me!

  15. To that person correcting grammar….check it out…OBJECTS LAY……PEOPLE LIE

  16. Now there is no baking soda. Does the recipe need it? Also, what do you do with the cloves?
    Thank you in advance for the clarification. I hope you lied down after you laid the apples on the bread. (lol)

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